fundy designer v7 fshare camera

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fundy designer v7 fshare camera


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With v11 we wanted to do two things - give you hours of your life back and make you more money. Here is what v11 has: Instant auto skin retouching on image import with the new Perfectly Clear engine. (optional) Auto design an album, an entire wall art set and multiple cards in just one click.
This year we've introduced the first ever patent-pending professional auto album design. In this blog post we'll give you a peek under the hood on how to be in control of the auto design function. Just hearing about v7? Click here to see all the new features. #1 Time Stamp - Sync Your Cameras
The fastest and most professional album design software coupled with wall art and client sales. Popular with the emerging pro or the advanced professional.
All Fundy projects that have been created in a previous version of Fundy (i.e. v6, v7, v8 or v10) are forwards compatible and can be opened in the newer v11 application. To open an older project in Fundy Designer v11, your project file will need to be upgraded to a v11 compatible copy. To do this: